Anomaly Mission Logs by Vanatica Soung – Session XVII

abstract painting

Photo by Anni Roenkae on

Dealing with these undead was a lot like dealing with idiots with monotalents. They could be a real pain to handle until one figured out the gimmick and its limitations, but once that was determined they fell quickly enough. I still would have liked to have learned how that one we can hardly remember somehow managed to render all of our electronic equipment nonfunctional though. I figured that had to be an offensive projection of a reality overlay, but the most vital clues on that got blasted with large quantities of chemical explosives.

After another round of patching up and restocking, it was time to work on the final three undead. The vote so far was to go after Rahsome who was supposedly occupying the large area towards the back of the Archive. According to our new friend, part of that area was somehow conditionally existent. Apparently he was able to simply paint more room into existence when he needed it like some sort of cartoon character.

(Felix) That could be dangerous. If he can erase something while we’re inside he might be able to well, kill us all instantly.

(Vanatica) I highly suspect it doesn’t work like that. Most likely you get shunted into the nearest available space, which given the nature of the multiverse and space-time here, could be just about anywhere or anywhen.

(Felix) That sounds very likely to result in death.

I had my doubts regarding that. I had a strong suspicion that there was enough of an unconscious steering mechanism in play that one would at least get transported somewhere not instantly deadly if Codex accidents were anything to go by. It seemed that using magic to kill someone outright was always a tricky business even if the “physics” would indicate that it should be easy. In many ways it seemed like killing things would always be far easier with grenades and blasters than trying to use a magic fireball. I might have had a different perspective though if all I had was pointy sticks and pieces of stone.

(Jacob) Well, since we have an artwork animated guy, we can paint an explosion and set some resonating crystals attuned to the frequency of his subspace field and lure his monster into it! It will die in the explosion!

I don’t know which bothered me more – that there was somewhere reality actually worked like that, or that I was beginning to actually understand that nonsense on some level.

(Vanatica) I highly doubt it is that stupid, especially since it animates artwork as monsters to possess.

(Jacob) But it will not be expecting other paintings to be attuned to it and we can make a pit trap by painting on the floor.

Maybe I was being close-minded, but I did not want to be borrowing tactics from children’s cartoons no matter how much it seemed like reality was able to support such ideas. There still was always the tried and true methods to fall back on at least.

(Vanatica) Tell you what, I’ll pull a Kira and keep it distracted while the rest of you either prepare traps or just outright smash the soul anchor.

Admittedly, Katlyn was much better at pulling a Kira than I was. That was mainly due to her superhuman speed that even hybrids had trouble keeping pace with. What gave hybrids like Father an advantage was the fact they could also run through walls, teleport, and phase themselves. Still, the basic principles held true even for me and a facility with lots of obstacles and winding hallways offered plenty of opportunities to dodge attacks. I just would have preferred having access to the Mark IV Shieldsuit as a backup defense.

With the plan arranged we all entered the Archive again to deal with Rahsome. That section of the Archive was lit by drifting balls of light, flickering in a variety of colors, although most are shades of blue or violet. From them I could hear faint whispers. What little could be seen of the walls was of a greenish stone, but scattered throughout the area were hundreds of works – paintings and sculptures mostly. Several groups of skeletal figures, dressed in tatters, were slowly wandering from place to place, apparently looking at individual pices of art.

(Vanatica) I am going to guess one of these is the anchor. Probably one that depicts Rahsome as they looked when alive and young since that is the classic bit.

None of the skeletons looked like my expectations for Rahsome, so I figured that Rahsome was still elsewhere. Jacob started scanning with his tricorder.

(Jacob) Negative energies concentrations are especially intense around the lights and skeletons. The entire area has quite a lot of course, and the gradient steadily increases towards the far end of the room. I presume that the largest concentration is feeding into him.

(Vanatica) Or is him…. or her.

Not that I imagined gender had much meaning after millennia of undeath. I had been hoping that Jacob might detect some sort of supernatural link with one of the paintings or sculptures, but either he couldn’t detect one or hadn’t considered the idea. As for the art itself, while the topics ranged from unearthly beauty to utter horrors – all were obviously masterpieces of skill and fascinating in their own right. Katlyn would have loved the chance to view these or even display them at one of her charity benefits. I guess if we can deal with Rahsome without too much collateral damage that she might one day get that opportunity. A few of them even appeared to be moving. Probably some magic involved in that.

(Vanatica) Katlyn would love to see all this artwork. She’d probably be able to spend weeks debating painting and sculpting with Rahsome.

(Felix) Is the art any good?

(Vanatica) I am not an expert, but I would say so based on my own limited experience and knowledge.

Let unspoken was whether the subject matter was conducive to finding an audience given how downright disturbing some of it was. That didn’t mean it wasn’t of high quality, but sometimes it seemed like good art wasn’t just a matter of technique, but also of style.

(Felix) Ok, I don’t get to see lots of stuff like this. Not a lot to compare to.

(Vanatica) Could probably run a major galactic exhibit with this stuff alone.

I continued towards the far end of the room where the negative energy concentration was the highest. It took a small exertion of willpower to keep from staring at the artwork as I went by.

(Jacob) Shame we have to do this. Seems a waste to destroy this much skill when they could ascend still.

(Vanatica) Well, true art only really ever get recognized as such after the death of the artist. Don’t know if passing on into undeath counts, but I suspect most of the art community would consider that cheating. Although perhaps we can convince Rahsome to go on some sort of an art tour and leave this place.

I noticed that the others were struggling to pull themselves away from the artwork.

(Vanatica) Sigh, really with the tourist trap nonsense? I thought there was some sort of unspoken rule against artwork killing the beholder. Kinda like a chef getting his patrons addicted to coffee.

(Jacob) Well they are cheating again…. they’re artwork makes people undead eternal fans.

(Felix) I can quit any time I want to!

(Vanatica) I am sure some Sith somewhere was a similarly obsessive artist that fascinated people to death. I have stories about the family chef that go on a similar vein as he addicted people with his cooking. We eventually had to start charging the rehab expenses against the kitchen budget to make a point.

I still had to wonder at times why Mother kept that artificer Chef Rinal around. He had gotten better about his worse tendencies after he was “cured” of the Dark Side, but his concoctions still had an annoying tendency to be borderline addictive and fattening. And it wasn’t like one could complain too much, given that even Mother maintained a constantly respectful attitude when dealing with him out of concern for his outbursts. I didn’t think I should have to have THELOS maintain a ever growing file on my nutritional “requirements” just to avoid the numerous unintended consequences of eating his food without proper precautions. Still, there was no denying his skill and the benefit he provided large dinner events. I just wondered if the benefits truly outweighed the downsides as much as Mother thought.

Eventually the others were able to pull themselves away from the artwork enough to continue towards the far end of the room. As we walked along, the walls changed to a richly painted wood. There was a vague entity there, busily…. painting an arched corridor with plenty of space for more paintings into existence, extending the corridor with a few brushstrokes as it need more room for the mural it was working on simultaneously.

(Jacob) Let’s try offering them the chance to move on and paint as an ascended being where other ascended beings can enjoy their work without negative energy destroying their ability to truly enjoy it. And perhaps spend some Obols for clear thought for a short time.

(Vanatica) Alright.

I pulled out the staff we found earlier and prepared to use it to cast a Dawn spell as we approached what I presume was Rahsome. It didn’t take long for Rahsome to notice us approaching.

(Rahsome) Hmm?

(Vanatica) While true art is eternal, it is the order of things that the artist has to move on. For it is only after the artist is gone that the art can truly take on a life of its own and be fully appreciated for the masterpiece it is. I can vouch that the artwork here can be seen by a quadrillion souls if that is your wish. My cousin holds frequent charity events and is an avid artist herself. She would love to help show your art to everyone.

I briefly considered the idea of offering to open an art school and potential apprentices, but I got that feeling of intense dread that usually signaled that the Soung Precogntion talent was trying to alert me to something very bad and imminent. As I paused to consider what it was that I had missed, the others came over a secure commlink channel so we could converse without being overheard. At least I hope.

(Zin) Keeping that thing around is likely to be quite dangerous!

(Jacob) Ascending would greatly increase their viewership since the Ascended cannot see these works, but could see new ones they made there and we could send these on a tour of other places.

Perhaps, but I still wished Zin had been a little more clear as to what exactly was the risk with keeping Rahsome around. My precognition talent was confirming his supposition, but that still didn’t tell me why. What exactly was so dangerous about a painter and sculptor going on an art tour?

Still, it seemed like the offer of a large audience was indeed an inducement since we quickly got permission (and assistance) in packing away most of the artwork. In fact, Rahsome seemed to just roll the art, the skeletons, and the globes of light up into a small case of paintings.

(Vanatica) Think of the new forms of art that await you in the ascended realms just waiting to be studied and mastered. All the things that don’t exist under the sun are out there beyond this layer of reality.

(Rahsome) But I have not yet achieved perfection in this level of reality! It is not the time to start over!

Sigh, time to steal a quote from someone who I think put things aptly.

(Vanatica) The perfect artist? There is no such thing as perfect in this world. That may sound cliché, but it’s the truth. The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it. But, what’s the point of achieving perfection? There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing. I loathe perfection! If something is perfect, then there is nothing left. There is no room for imagination. No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities. Do you know what that means? For scientists and artists such as ourselves, perfection only brings despair. It is our job to create things more wonderful than anything before them, but never to obtain perfection. A artist must be a person who finds ecstasy while suffering from that antimony. Only by having the bravery to go forth and encounter the new, can we hope to grow a little and become a little be more than what we once were.

(Rahsome) And that is why it is on this level of reality! Perfection within the limits of this world is the first step! I will not leave my work unfinished!

I switched back to the private line with the others.

(Vanatica) This isn’t going well, you might want to look for the soul anchor now while I try to keep this one distracted.

I switched my focus back to Rahsome.

(Vanatica) Then you limit yourself and your art. It is like a painter who refuses to use anything beyond oil paints. Yes, one can achieve a great deal of skill doing so, but you also limit yourself and your expression if you do not indulge in as many forms of art as possible to find new ways to provoke emotion in people art has never touched before. Only through expanding your limits and not artificially constraining them can you achieve new art.

I found myself privately wishing Katlyn was here since she was better at these sorts of arguments in the humanities than I was. I only paid enough attention to this sort of stuff so that I could speak intelligently at those charity events and not embarrass myself.

(Vanatica) My cousin once took a class in studying how to paint with colors she could not perceive because human eyes don’t see in the correct range. She felt it made her grow as an artist because she had to think beyond form and color and rely purely on expression. Tell me, what do you do here that pushes yourself to new heights?

One of Rahsome’s tendrils reached down a corridor and pulled a drifting spark of light whereupon Rahsome swallowed it up.

(Rahsome) Why to forge a different path to ascension! Once my art achieves perfection, my audience will be unified, and I shall ascend on my own terms!

(Vanatica) And after half a million years or so you’ve managed to accumulate half a dozen viewers?

I heard Jacob scanning the room with his tricorder behind me and swearing quietly. I could only presume that meant that his search for the soul anchor was failing. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could feign interest in an argument that was rapidly going in complete circles with no acknowledgement of the logical fallacies inherent in the argument even when they were brought to the fore. Debating with droids was more engaging than this most of the time.

It was out of the corner of my eye that I saw Theo pull his gun and fire at Rahsome without much of any warning to the rest of us. He fired off two shots that hit Rahsome dead center and clipped something inside that sounded like metal. At first I thought it might be an indication that Rahsome was using a droid body like other undead we’ve encountered, but this one seemed too old a “body” for that. Perhaps the “soul jar” or whatever was actually being hidden internally for Rahsome as opposed to the others that so often had an external one.

I would have preferred to at least have gotten some warning that we were going to be entering combat. While Theo did reveal the likely location of the soul jar, he happened to do it in a manner that gave us a now incensed undead monstrosity within a mere meter of myself. At least it was turning its wrath upon Theo instead of myself. That gave me an opportunity to pull out the lightsaber and shield as I swung at the “backside” of Rahsome. Unfortunately, it was difficult to tell if I was actually damaging Rahsome as half of their body seemed to be composed of smoke as opposed to anything solid.

(Jacob) It looks like that statue over there is oldest object not a soul in this room. It looks like a member of the Kyrcanir species sculpted as powerful, impressive, and “noble”. The thing itself acts as a soul trap. It’s acting in a sort of horrible symbiosis with the extradimensional ooze we’re fighting now as the ooze is keeping the souls within its grasp entrapped while the art is pulling them in and gradually imposing a common vision upon them. The controller is trying to unify them all in its own corrupt form of ascension. It’s an eternal audience for Rahsome.

(Vanatica) So kill the ooze thing?

This explains why Zin said letting this thing loose was such a bad idea. If it was a hive creature that forcibly inducted souls into itself, then giving this thing an audience was precisely the last thing we should have done. This was a scenario where a Mark II Rifle couldn’t possibly make the situation worse and using a Starbreaker against a consumed planet was an improvement. Unfortunately, I had neither available right now.

Which was a point against my continued survival as a swarm of skeletons erupted from the oozing wisps of cloudy darkness that was Rahsome. I attempted to fall back and hack skeletons in half when a pseudopod of blackness reached out to slam against me hard. The momentum of that attack flung me against a stone column with considerable force as a sharp pain shot through my right shoulder and neck. I also felt an intense chill wash over me that made me want to shiver uncontrollably.



A quick glance at the error messages scrolling by was not any more encouraging. Shields were down, as was the strength amplification, flight systems, most sensors, and various other active protection systems. Luckily the enchanted power cells were rebuilding the power reserves and thus bringing things online again, but another hit like that was going to cripple me if it didn’t kill me outright. The others were facing similar issues as we collectively decided to make a run for it. I stuck some explosives on the walls as we fled in hopes of either catching Rahsome in the explosion or at least burying it under tons of rocks, but it didn’t seem to be having much effect. About the only saving grace was that we were either able to outrun it or at least stay ahead.

I had hoped that as we exited the Archive into the daylight that it would break off the pursuit and let us be. Unfortunately, it barreled out into the open after us. It continued to fling pseudopod attacks at us, but those seemed to be of limited range and it couldn’t do that trick too much in rapid succession. However, I was not encouraged by the way it seemed to be fumbling within itself in a disquieting manner.

The relief I felt when THELOS announced that the power reserves had built up enough to enable all systems again was immense given that the rock I was hiding behind was beginning to crack against the sustained assault. Not keen to give Rahsome the chance to grab me, I kicked in the flight systems and made a dash for both distance and altitude. Once I was satisfied I had sufficient distance between myself and Rahsome I pulled out the grenade launcher and let loose a volley at the ground around Rahsome.

That did seem to be affecting Rahsome, but the…. is durability the right term…. of this monstrosity would give high end Sith or Hybrids a run for their money. The way the smoke oozed about to seemingly generate visions of monsters and horrors was not doing my head any favors either as I began to develop a splitting headache that combined with the pain in my neck and shoulder was making it very hard to concentrate on the battle.

I did catch glimpses of a statue inside the oozing blackness though and it did appear that our attacks were damaging it occasionally. Not rapidly enough though given my estimation of our remaining endurance. Time to try something drastic then. I pulled out all of my remaining clips of grenades and started rigging them to a makeshift remote detonator I cobbled out of the subspace sensor module. It wasn’t pretty, but three clips of twelve grenades apiece was still liable to make a hell of a bang.

Unfortunately, it looked like Jacob had gotten swarmed via skeletons and was currently pinned in the likely blast zone. Unfortunately, Rahsome seemed to be spawning into existence some sort of a dragon creature from a painting they had just unfurled. This was getting too dangerous to not being willing to cut some losses unfortunately if it meant the rest of us survived. Still, I was going to be give Jacob some warning.

(Vanatica) Jacob, you’ve got ten seconds to find cover before I drop an explosive near your position!

(Jacob) Don’t worry about me, I’ll shot down the blast wave!

Either I didn’t hear that right or Jacob had gone insane. Still I counted down the ten seconds I promised and then flung the explosive right at Rahsome. Once the explosive was as near as it was going to get, I activated the remote detonator and triggered the blast. Even though I was prepared for it, the blast wave still sent me tumbling for several seconds before I regained flight control. Looking at the battlefield, I saw the skeletons were destroyed and Jacob was still alive as he had apparently fired his phaser to block the blast.

So I had heard him right, even if what he had just done didn’t make a lick of sense. I was going to yell at him to obey something resembling physics when motion in the crater I had just made caught my attention.


(Vanatica) Once you’ve seen one self-important artist, you’ve seen them all!

Although admittedly, none of the artists I had dealt with up till now actually were literal soul-devouring monstrosities with an ego equal to that of entire cities. It was usually in a more figurative sense when I made such insults.

It was easy to see that this Prima Dona was now very unhappy with us. While it looked like the explosion had done substantial damage, I had to guess Rahsome was still roughly half functional. I also was out of grenades to make similarly large bangs with. Fortunately, it looked all those still in melee range had managed to escape and thus we could continue long range bombardment with more conventional weaponry while largely remaining outside Rahsome’s ability to harm. I could see though that this was going to be a long and drawn out fight.

Suddenly a familiar voice came over the commlink.

(Vanessa) We’ve got your position and tactical data from THELOS. I’ve got soldiers and war-droids enroute to support. Fallback to the following coordinates….

At which point THELOS popped up a mini-map of the area and an arrow directing us to the rendevous point. Already I could see numerous green and blue dots moving into flanking positions and setting up heavy fire support. As we approached the target coordinates, I saw rockets, blasters, and mortars fly into the air towards Rahsome from a number of directions as the sounds of explosions and blasterfire became deafening. War-Droids swarmed over the ridge to provide an easily identifiable target for Rahsome to focus on while soldiers worked to pull the other members of the team behind prepared cover. I too dove behind cover next to Vanessa’s position.

(Vanessa) What the hell is this thing made of?!

(Vanatica) Captive souls, death, and some sort of eldritch ooze monster.

(Vanessa) Lovely!

Eventually we brought Rahsome down despite his/her/its assertions that the cosmos cannot do without their genius. Injuries were numerous, there was significant equipment damage, and many of our available power cells had been drained, but Rahsome had been forced to move on to the next life. Ve Ke tended my own injuries while medics tends to the others and droids and technicians collected what materials could be salvaged from the battlefield. We were probably going to need a fairly sizeable delivery from orbit to replenish lost equipment and supplies, but such things could be managed.

I was not happy with Theo though.

(Vanatica) I think in the future it might be a good idea to hold off shooting at the massive undead monstrosity until after we’ve found the easy way to deal with it!

(Theo) What, that was difficult?

(Vanatica) We nearly lost Jacob, many of us took substantial hits, and we lost not a trivial amount of equipment! YOu think new stuff just falls from the sky?!

I realized as soon as I had said it that for all practical purposes to everyone here, this more or less was the case given the regular equipment deliveries dropped from orbit. Still, the integrity of our supply chain was very much in question given the unorthodox circumstances and I was not keen to waste what might potentially be valuable resources when I didn’t have to. Right now, I was of the opinion that the battle we just fought had been unnecessarily difficult simply because someone lost their patience and started shooting.

(Theo) But we didn’t, chicks dig scars, and it looks like it paid for itself.

He was probably referring to the one hundred and twenty Mind Diamond Obols, one hundred Life Obols, and eighty-four Death Obols we found where Rahsome “died”. Plus there was also the large pile of artwork and the massive statue made of untarnishing gold-and-adamant alloys. Not that there was a reliable exchange rate between Obols and Marks, let alone sufficient access to back home that I could try to leverage one into the other. Right now all the wealth down here did little to offset costs in orbit. It was only because I had ridiculously deep pockets from the standpoint of entire galaxies that I could afford to keep this going until the social and not the material costs became uncomfortable. I was this close to cutting off Theo from access to our supplies and services though as a way to make my displeasure known.

And all the money in the Galaxy couldn’t bring someone back from the dead.

Anomaly Mission Logs by Vanatica Soung – Session XVI

photo of flames

Photo by Dương Nhân on

I awoke the next morning to find that Vanessa had a report to present regarding the enchanted power cells. As far as the technicians were able to discern, the enchantment generated a low level lightning effect that the circuitry of the power cell then conditioned and stored as an electrical charge. Thus the enchantment worked to slowly recharge the power cell (about twenty minutes) while the power cell itself handled sudden power demands using stored energy. Also intriguing was the presence of a minor self-repair function that would perform minor repairs to any equipment the power cell was plugged into. It wouldn’t cover catastrophic damage, but anything normally fixable would eventually fix itself. According to their estimates, a droid with one installed could expect a mean time until failure of several hundred thousand years.

Given that we had about a dozen of the things now, I figured it was within my rights to take some of them to install in my blaster, shieldsuit, shield, and lightsaber to use against the draining effect of the Archive against my power cells. It wasn’t like any of the others that weren’t from my universe could use those power cells anyway given the incompatible technology and standards in play.

Part of me was wondering just how far a dedicated enchantment for repairing damage could go though. Could something like that keep a normal crystal from flawing when subjected to lightsaber intensity frequency inputs? I suspected not, but it could probably go a long ways towards ensuring that the antimatter layered crystals were a lot safer to use if any flaws in the monopolium layers could be repaired on the fly similar to how Force users do it. I must consider some tests to try and rig up.

Meanwhile it looked like Felix’s “mech” was in dire need of maintenance despite his assertions otherwise. The construction was deeply primitive on multiple levels given the insane mix of technologies that might as well be held together with twine. I saw foamed metal “bones”, basic armor plating, chemically propelled firearms, a simple laser cannon, night-sight with flash protection, a giant gyroscope, and air conditioning. The only weird bits were the electrically powered artificial muscle fibers and some oddities with the fusion plant. That seemed to be running off a highly convoluted magnetic confinement system as opposed to a much simpler repulsion field.

And then I saw the electronics were all built around vacuum tubes.

It took me several minutes to even register that was what they were. My brain kept trying to write them off as some weird technology that happened to look like vacuum tubes, but all of the controls were wired up to the things in an arrangement that made sense only if they were vacuum tubes. I didn’t think it was even possible to build a control system for a fusion plant that was simple enough to run on vacuum tubes, let alone one that relied on magnetic confinement, yet here it was in front of me. I wasn’t sure if I should have been horrified or impressed.

(Theo) Hmm, piloted battle golems. Inefficient design, no mana channels, no secondary effects on the weaponry. Large target, poor rear armor, relatively exposed cockpit. I’d say it needs some redesign.

(Vanatica) I don’t think his reality can support half of that.

Indeed, it seemed like the whole mess was built around a few high tech pieces and everything else was more or less cobbled together using a much lower technology.

(Jacob) It uses vacuum tubes? And lasers? What kind of weird situation made that seem at all practical?

(Vanatica) I am going to guess scavenger society.

I’d also suspect a few factories remaining from a long lost era of higher technology that were still able to produce one or two critical components like the fusion reactor. It was entirely possible that his people no longer understood HOW it worked and merely made the reactor by following the equivalent of a recipe torn out of a cookbook. I saw no indication that his society had anything resembling a droid economy either as that level of automation could easily be repurposed and expanded.

Given a week or two on a junk planet with no tools and I could easily build something that would stomp it flat. I could probably build a working hyperdrive in that same amount of time unless I was really unlucky. After all, the idea that a slave boy could build a podracer in his backyard wasn’t that unrealistic back home.

Hmm, would a magnetic confinement fusion reactor work better in this environment than a spacefield confinement fusion reactor? It wasn’t entirely clear if Felix was somehow supporting his equipment with his own reality or if the system was a permitted technology in this reality. Probably something for future testing, although I could see the technicians complaining about that one.

(Vanatica) Well, we can probably do some things to improve the design without rendering the whole thing nonfunctional in your reality overlay. For instance, that…. computer system needs to go and be replaced with something halfway decent. It will take a few days to fabricate the needed parts in orbit and then drop them. The fusion plant needs a tuneup and I have concerns about the weapons, but I am hesitant to do anything too drastic to either without some experiments and a handy supply of spare parts.

Still, that was something I could farm out to the technicians. I did catch an amusing glimpse of the Ranath Cuzao and a small swarm of maintenance droids begin to swarm all over the mech while Felix protested in futility.

One interesting finding from the droids we captured though was that it seemed they could support psionic tattoos like we could. I had to guess that this was a side effect of being possessed by our new “friend” and not something droids were capable of. Still, that was something to try and test once we got the Archive cleared out. Given some of those powers that we saw listed as available, droids equipped with psionic tattoos could be an immense boon and a serious risk to ourselves under the right circumstances. Best to actually test things and find out what the limitations were (if any) and thus have an idea of what to prepare for.

Which brought to my attention the fact that our new friend had been motionless since we had removed his droids from the Archive. While he was still arguing incessantly with us, it was far more repetitive than earlier and not particularly inspired in its vindictive spite. I wondered if this meant his soul had departed from the droids and moved on or whatever it was souls are supposed to do. Jacob suggested that the droids were out of range of our friend’s control ability and thus he was still hidden away in the Archive waiting for us.

I suspected Jacob was probably right on this one, unfortunately.

The locals at least were helpful enough to offer that the enchantment on the power cells could be done in exchange for twenty to twenty-five Obols for each power cell. We had over five hundred Obols to our names so far, so such an expense could be managed, but I wanted to hold off for now given that we were not in a situation where power was a precious resource. Not yet at least.

In planning for the next assault on the Archive, I was leaning towards bringing along some combat droids as additional support. I needed to rig up a kill switch to prevent them from being used against us if they got possessed by our friend, but that was simple enough. We didn’t have enough of the enchanted power supplies to allow us to bring more than a handful of droids with us, but with any luck that shouldn’t be too much of an issue in the rather tight confines of the Archive.

I also requisitioned a large quantity of magnesium flares to be delivered from orbit. Even if the light from the flares didn’t work as well as sunlight against the undead, they did provide a handy source of fire to burn things with. I really wanted to know what counted as daylight with respect to undead, but didn’t have any good opportunities to test at the moment.

Hmm, on that note, I wonder how well we could rig up a system of mirrors to beam sunlight into the tunnels? We might even be able to rig one of the small fusion lanterns to provide “sunlight” even at night. Those at least seemed to be small enough that the average technician could support one without too much drain as evidenced by the fact that we had been using the things to charge up our equipment since the Dawnchaser’s fusion system was perpetually offline. Oh well, another set of items to order from orbit.

We already had plenty of ion cannons that I could use, so that wasn’t an issue. I thought about handing them out to the others, but realized they couldn’t probably use them. Everyone having their own unique technology base was at times extremely useful and yet also incredibly frustrating. There were dozens of things the others were doing that I would have loved to try to reverse engineer and experiment with, but such efforts were pointless since I couldn’t actually support the physics (or what passed for physics) they were built on.

The next morning we were ready to resume our assault and found that the psionic constructs had managed to finish clearing out the room we fought the droids in earlier, but weren’t able to push much beyond that. That still left two side areas that we had completely split off from the rest of the Archive that we could clear out without concerns over being flanked. To our left (from the perspective of the direction we came in) was what had once been a staff break room that was now filled with assorted junk scavenged from across the millennia. To our right was once a storage area for remote operated drone systems used for repairing the most dangerous or draining areas, but now it was heavily sealed off with barriers that the constructs had not been able to breach.

Looking at the former break room, the stuff piled in there was something of a rats nest. Probably anything of potential value from cultist sacrifices and their victims got put in here. There was a fair amount of gold and silver which by my estimates was still small change by local standards, plenty of weapons – most of the oldest fairly useless now, save for one staff that glowed brightly and seemed to be in fine condition. A sphere of polished huarstone the size of a fist was mounted on the end and seemed to be the source of much of the light in the room. There were also a number of charms and talismans scattered about, assorted minor supplies, and a small box with a dozen vials in it.

I was directing the constructs to begin hauling that out to where the droids could then carry it back to the surface for later perusal when Jacob pulled out that tricorder again.

(Jacob) It generates a continuous “radiant blast” effect – not terribly powerful, but it’s focused on the Huarstone and there are a set of release effects available to the wielder. It only possesses three charges worth of power, but it will regain a charge every three minutes or so.

Definitely worth keeping that with us then. I took the staff and slid it into the holster I had on my back for holding the Ithil wood spears. I wasn’t sure how much value it would offer compared to things like grenades, ion cannons, and blasters, but it never hurt to be prepared for unforeseen potentialities.

Next up was the barriers blocking access to the drone system. Again came Jacob with his tricorder.

(Jacob) Looks like an ultra-tough alloy that being actively reinforced with some sort of spell and shielded with negative energy. Something inside is fairly powerful and definitely does not want anyone coming in. It may be possible to physically damage the barrier, but it would take a lot of power. I am not sure how much though.

Fine, time to start showing these undead that they are not the only ones with unusual tricks at their disposal. I pulled out the lightsaber and cracked a smile at how the whole area was bathed in a deep red glow of light from the blade. The hum of the blade as I readied it to thrust into the barrier had a deeply satisfying feel to it as well.

(Vanatica) I am going to cut through the barrier. I expect something it going to try to fight back against this so everyone else be at the ready.

Once everyone noted they were ready, I thrust the blade into the solid metal of the barrier and held it there. Bolts of negative energy came boiling off the door, but Zin was able to block them with ease as I simply held the blade in place. THELOS noted that the new power cells were holding a charge with no appreciable drain despite the draining effect of the Archive. By now the door was glowing a very dull red and I could feel the heat of the metal against my face.

A face formed in the door itself and began shouting maldictions, threats, “warnings” about terrible curses, and demands that we go away. I simply ignored it and held the blade steady as the door became hotter and hotter, but Jacob fired his phaser at the face in an act that I think accurately portrayed our opinion of threats. By this point the metal was glowing white hot and was beginning to flow down to the floor, revealing another crowded room. It was filled with a weird mix of crystalline objects, modern supplies and droids that obviously came from a universe similar to mine, dead bodies and embalming gear, and assorted crystal drones, droids, and bodies – many of which were heading our way, although the first couple of droids fell over as their feet melted to provide a bridge to the rest.

None of us wasted any time opening fire with the much larger assortment of weapons we had this time around. Sun blasts, ion blasts, bullets, and phaser blasts poured through the opening I had made and sweeped across the construct-minions with a satisfying effectiveness. Within a span of seconds we had successfully eliminated all the threats in the room.

(Vanatica) Is one of these things housing the soul of this particular undead, or is the princess in another castle?

That was a joke Mint was fond of using and while I thought I understood the context of it, it still didn’t seem that funny to me. Still, it would be interesting to see if any of the others got it.

(Jacob) Looks like what is left is within a containment sphere that is holding it stable. I am having some trouble locating him…. some type of psychic interference…. trying to push through.

Well, while he poked at the informational plane of reality or whatever it was he thought he was doing, I proceeded to pull power supplies and droid cores. The power supplies had already proven to be immensely valuable and the droid cores potentially had a wealth of information regarding Seras, her activities, and her backers stored away. Most everything else was easier to simply have dropped from orbit than it was to try and salvage from this mess of melted metal and plastic.

I barely saw the crackle of negative energy shoot out across Jacob in time to see him pull the phaser and shoot at me. While I didn’t have time to react, Zin neatly blocked that attack for me. He had to have reflexes on par with my parents to have pulled off that block.

(Jacob) The sphere is hidden behind a false back in the third equipment cupboard! It’s controlling my arm in an attempt to stop us!

Interesting that I was targeted first then. Perhaps it was the stunt with the lightsaber that finally made me a priority? Or perhaps it was the posturing earlier? Oh well, time enough to ponder that later. I went for the third cupboard and ripped out the false back.

(Jacob) Little help!

By now the arm was holding the phaser to Jacob’s head in a rather pathetic attempt to take a hostage. I was seriously wondering if this undead actually had a gameplan or if he was now in pure panic mode now. I briefly pondered ending the matter by severing Jacob’s arm, but he’d probably not be grateful for that. Plus I wasn’t sure his biology would accept a prosthetic and we didn’t have the resources to clone him a new one. Theo beat me to it though as he deftly shot the phaser out of Jacob’s hand. Now that arm was trying to drag Jacob in from of the cupboard to use Jacob as a shield.

Definitely in panic mode.

(Vanatica) Can you get that arm under control or are we going to have to amputate it for now? As amusing as this is, it is getting annoying.

That comment was more for the benefit of the undead that thought this was a valid tactic as opposed to being aimed at Jacob. The fact that Jacob was now fighting his possessed arm with the other one looked rather comical. Since this had rendered Jacob more or less stationary for the moment, I elected to try and see if a psionic healing tattoo would help Jacob regain control. That…. seemed to have some sort of beneficial effect, but didn’t entirely seem to resolve the issue. Expending a second one did fix the problem at least.

With that out of the way, I turned back to the cupboard where I had torn out the false back. Inside was a single luminescent sphere about twenty centimeters across that might have otherwise been suitable for a lamp. A thunderous (and also slightly panicked) voice erupted from the sphere to make a declaration that this was definitely not the sphere we were looking for.

(Vanatica) Oh, lookie what I found…. I believe someone mentioned that I possessed little power at some point. I wonder who that might have been….

(Sphere) Go away and stop bothering me! You already wrecked all my bodies! You know how long I’ll have to work on getting them reassembled?

I wasn’t sure whether to admire that sheer bravado, or be shocked at how clueless it appeared to be regarding the power dynamic between it and myself. Most HoloSith would at least figure out that this was the time for “taking you with me” speeches or to begin selling out his comrades in hopes of mercy.

(Vanatica) What? Oh, I wouldn’t be worrying about that. I’ll be investigating those pieces to see what secrets they might tell me and then dispose of the rest as scrap. You, on the other hand, have other plans for the future that are long overdue.

(Jacob) The way to ascension is still open to you. I suggest you take it now for we will surely destroy you if you do not.

(Sphere) I do not! I’m staying! I don wanna! You’re another one like that crazy girl aren’t you?

(Vanatica) Oh, I’m far worse that her. You see, I am actually competent.

(Sphere) Well yeah, you found me! She only wanted some specific bits and was too dense to get the general theory!

(Vanatica) I gathered as much from the Visitor Center.

My own assessments regarding the safety of smashing the orb and being done with it was that it should work well enough for forcing the spirit to move on. Although the thing was now pleading that it would happily teach us all kinds of things in exchange for not smashing the sphere.

(Vanatica) Anyone feel tempted?

(Jacob) Not one bit…. I really do not like alien energy beings manipulating my body.

(Felix) Ha! No body ever managed to teach me anything!

I found myself torn. This one was definitely the best source of information on what Seras may be up to and what she’s learned so far. While we had generalizations from the Visitor Center, this one had specifics from directly interacting with her. Plus it was potentially another source of arcane lore that wasn’t Lindral. Plus learning the specifics of what Seras got wrong could be even more valuable than what she got right.

Hmm, smashing it was irreversible, but we could always smash it later. I did a quick review of my chain of logic and motivations to make sure there wasn’t some sort of Jedi Mind Trick going on and decided the decision really was my own. And there was a family tradition of recruiting enemies to our cause.

That did mean that hauling the thing out of here to bring with us. From what I understood, it was feeding off the negative energy feed of the Archive in a parasitic manner and that negative energy feed was necessary to keep it stable. Rigging up a new negative energy feed was going to be tricky. I could probably do it with spells, but that meant recasting them periodically which I was loathe to commit to. I asked the others for comments.

(Jacob) I could rig up something if you need it…. probably get a decent supply of energy out of the deal while I am at it….

It took a bit of rigging, but we were able to remove the sphere, rig up a negative energy tap for it, and haul it out of the Archive where we could “query” it for information from time to time. I briefly toyed with the idea of giving a striped down droid to use as a shell, but eventually decided that was a bridge too far in terms of keeping it on a tight leash. I did make sure the guards were informed to keep an eye on any suspicious droid activity that might be caused by our new friend.

With that dealt with, it was time to turn our attention to the remaining undead in the Archive. Henbeth and his minions quickly fell to our firepower. Vandmil was quite easy. The one that none of us could remember for more than a few moments put up a tough fight, but could only make one body at a time and there were enough of us (and droid reminders) to overwhelm him. Chyris was fairly easy as well once we figured out that we needed to move as fast as possible so as to prevent her from summoning things. Sar was another surprisingly easy one to deal with although I took a nasty hit during that fight.

Luckily we had plenty of medical aid both mundane and magical back on the surface to tend to such matters. This ultimately left us with only three undead remaining beyond our new friend to deal with: Rahsome, Leradna, and Blehreth. Rahsome was the artist known for possessing and animating artwork. Leradna apparently used statues and some sort of mental powers to deal with her foes. Blehreth was something called a “Fleshsucker” that somehow cannibalized any flesh she touched to turn it into more of herself. Sounded kinda like those tall tales Mother and Father would share about a bacta shapeshifter from their days at the Trayus Academy. All three of them were not going to fall to simple charge in firing tactics like the others had. We were going to have to try to rig up some special defenses of some sort if we were going to have a decent chance of coming out on top.

Hopefully it won’t occur to them to actually start working together.